Here you can find committees and topics for the upcoming RUMUN conference. Briefs are found on, our registration engine, after registration for the conference has been completed.
Disarmament and International Security Committee (DiSec):
Topic A: Private Military Contractors: The Role of Human Rights
Topic B: Small Arms and Light Weapons Trafficking
Economic and Financial Committee (EcoFin):
Topic A: Examining the Global Currency Crisis
Topic B: Emerging Global Debt Crisis
Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM):
Topic A: Education in Conflict Zones
Topic B: The IDP Crisis in Sudan
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF):
Topic A: Food Insecurity in Rural Areas
Topic B: Promoting Early Childhood Development in Under-Resourced Areas
Commission on the Status of Women (CSW):
Topic A: The Digital Gender Divide
Topic B: The Informal Work Sector
United Nations Department of Political Affairs (UNDPA):
Topic A: Evaluating the New Agenda For Peace
Topic B: Challenges to Democracy
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO):
Topic A: Climate Change Exacerbating Conflict
Topic B: Intellectual Property Rights and Access to Information
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP):
Topic A: Green Urban Infrastructure
Topic B: Combating Marine Pollution in Coastal Communities
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC):
Topic A: Human Rights Abuses in International Sporting Events
Topic B: Examining Asylum and Refugee Protections
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA):
Topic: Nuclear Power: Weapons, Energy, and Politics
International Labour Organization (ILO):
Topic A: Cobalt Mines in Congo
Topic B: Impact of Union Busting
International Telecommunication Union (ITU):
Topic: Addressing Cyberwarfare Challenges
World Bank (WB):
Topic A: Fostering Development Goals Through Innovative Financing
Topic B: Social Development and Human Capital Enhancement in the Philippines
World Health Organization (WHO):
Topic A: Gene Editing
Topic B: Maternal Health and Mortality
The Committee for State Security:
Berlin Crisis of 1961
Indian Supreme Court:
Topic A: Babri Temple
Topic B: Indian Supreme Court Causelist
Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Liberation Front of Mozambique:
The Mozambique Civil War
Provisional Bangladeshi Government (1971):
Laying the Foundation of an Independent Bangladesh
Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (2011):
Governing Egypt after The Revolution