RUMUN Pricing and Payment

All participating schools must first pay a Pre-Registration fee of $125.00 per Delegation for the General Assembly and Specialized Agency Committees. Every country is represented in each of the General Assembly and Specialized Agency Committees. There will be a few Regional Body committees – these will only have their respective member states, but they should be considered an extension of General Assembly and Specialized Agency committees. Schools may also Pre-Register for one or more of RUMUN’s Advanced Committees at no additional charge. Pre-Registration fees are not refundable under any circumstances.

Rutgers Model United Nations charges a $117.00 admission fee per student. If students commute to RUMUN, this is the only charge for which they are responsible. The admission fee covers admission to all conference events, speakers, and administrative costs. For schools requiring accommodations at RUMUN, there is an additional $225.00 per student hotel fee that covers three nights lodging at the conference hotels listed below, or an auxiliary facility. Therefore, students sleeping at RUMUN will be charged $342.00 for admission to the conference. This fee does not include student transportation to and from the conference, or any food over the course of the four-day event.

Pursuant to New Jersey per diem requirements, the chaperone hotel fee is $354 ($118/nt). Up to 4 Advisors or Chaperones can share a single room at no additional charge. There is an additional chaperone conference fee of $160. Total chaperone fees are $514 per room. IDIA requires a 15 to 1 student to faculty ratio at all of our conferences, so please plan accordingly.

Final Registration Fees are due no later than the date specified during the registration process on IDIA will not return any funds, for any reason, after the specified cut-off date unless the conference has been made virtual. Schools that inform IDIA of their inability to participate at the conference after this date will be charged their balance in full. Schools that have dropped the conference in previous years after the no-drop date may be subject to additional fees.

IDIA strongly believes that no student or school should be prevented from attending our programs because of financial limitations. For information on financial assistance, please contact us at [email protected].

RUMUN will take place on its assigned dates, regardless of weather or other conditions.  If a delegation (school) chooses not to attend the conference after the cut-off date, we will be unable to refund conference or hotel fees. IDIA is committed to the safety and security of its participants, and recognize that sometimes travel is complicated. We will do whatever we can to facilitate your participation at the conference, including late arrivals.

Please send all payments to:

PO Box 387
New Brunswick, NJ 08903

Conference Fee
Registration Fee (per delegation) $125.00
RUMUN Conference Fee (per student) $117.00
RUMUN Hotel Fee (per student) $225.00
RUMUN Faculty Hotel Fee (per room) $354.00
RUMUN Faculty Conference Fee (per room) $160.00
All of the above amounts are in U.S. Dollars.