RMC Committees & Topics

Here you can find committees and topics for the upcoming RMC conference. 


Committee on Armed Services:
Topic A: The Military Justice System
Topic B: Examining U.S. Emergency Preparedness

Committee on Education and the Workforce:
Topic A: Temporary Agricultural Workers
Topic B: Improving STEM & Vocational Career Opportunities

Committee on the Judiciary:
Topic A: Gun Safety
Topic B: Reforming Police-Community Relations

2016 Committee on Natural Resources:
Topic A: Dakota Access Pipeline Protests
Topic B: Safeguarding the EPA

Committee on Space, Science, and Technology:
Topic A: Ethics of Gene Editing
Topic B: Space Commercialization

Committee on Ways and Means:
Topic A: Increasing Transparency of Finances of Public Officials and Candidates of Office
Topic B: Reforming Food Assistance and Social Welfare Programs


Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation:
Topic A: AI and the Workforce
Topic B: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

Committee on Finance:
Topic A: Addressing the Student Debt Crisis
Topic B: Healthcare Financing

Committee on Foreign Relations:
Topic A: Reevaluating US Relations with South Asia
Topic B: NATO Force Modernization

Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions:
Topic A: Reproductive Healthcare Access
Topic B: Affirmative Action

Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs:
Topic A: Promoting Election Integrity
Topic B: Examining the Efficiency of the Department of Homeland Security


Historical CIA (1980s-1990s):
Cold War Strategy

Lyndon B. Johnson’s Presidential Cabinet:
Implementing the Great Society

NRA Institute for Legislative Action (2016):
Presidential Primary Lobbying Aims

Senate Special Committee on Organized Crime in Interstate Commerce (1950):
Investigating the Growing Influence of Organized Crime in the United States

Historical Supreme Court of the United States (2010):
Topic A: Citizens United v. FEC
Topic B: Consumers for Credit Safety v. United Stations (This case has been invented for the purposes of the conference.)